Are You Ready For Movember?

More than one million men (and women…the Mo Sistas) participate in Movember, and you might just be one of those Mo Bros. As such, you may be ramping up for the official “Shave the Date” on November 1. This is the day when all men get clean-shaven in preparation for the 30 days of Movember and thus mustache growing. Are you ready?
If you’re not familiar with Movember, it is the global movement started in 2003 that encourages men to grow, and women to support, a moustache for 30 days in November as a way to raise awareness for men’s health. It’s also a great excuse to sport a handlebar, a walrus, the Mario, or whatever moustache you’ve wanted to experiment with.
Of course growing a moustache and maintaining it may not always be as easy as simply foregoing shaving. This is especially true if you’re not used to wearing a stache or you don a beard and now have to start shaving regularly. Here are a few tips to make your Movember the best it can be.
Mastering the Shave the Date:
- Prevent razor burn and bumping by softening the beard with a warm cloth or steam from a warm shower prior to your shave.
- Use a Shave Oil and Shave Gel to keep the skin hydrated and prevent the razor from “tugging” at beard hairs.
- Shave with the grain to help prevent ingrown hairs and skin irritation.
- Read more about best shaving practices here.
Maintaining your stache:
- Moustaches tend to collect…things. Keep them clean. While you’re cleansing your face (yes, you should be doing this), be sure to work the cleanser into your moustache as well. Rinse thoroughly.
- Use a Shave Oil or beard oil along with a non-greasy antioxidant and moisturizing serum to keep your stache conditioned and the skin underneath hydrated.
- Groom with a pair of barber scissors, a fine-toothed comb and a double-edge razor. Have the shape in mind you are going for and start by trimming the strays and longer hairs on the outer edge and bottom of your moustache. You can also run some clippers over the stache. Alternatively you could treat yourself to a barber visit.
- Prep and shave the rest of the face following the steps above.
This time of year is chilly in most parts of the country, which can also lead to dry, itchy skin especially for the part of the face you are shaving. To prevent the discomfort, use a more gentle cleanser with moisturizing ingredients like shea butter and granular scrub to get rid of dead skin and help prevent ingrown hairs. A skin balancing toner will also keep skin hydrated and free of the buildup that contributes to ingrown hairs.
Have a great Movember and have fun with your stache! Happy growing.