Is Your Skin Revealing Your Marathon Monday Night Football Extravaganza?

Is Your Skin Revealing Your Marathon Monday Night Football Extravaganza?

Maybe you stayed out little too late at that Monday night football game or happy hour turned into a late night – either way you’re feeling sluggish and it’s written all over your face. After a long night, most of us look a pretty rough the next morning.

How can you quickly revive the skin so your face is not a dead giveaway that you threw your cautions to the wind the night prior? Aside from a hot shower and power breakfast, spending just a few extra minutes giving your face some TLC will help erase the signs of…we’ll call it “excess merriment.”

Scrub the Evidence

Give the skin a good wake-up call a granular scrub. It will get the blood circulating again and bring life back into the cells. Look for scrubs that use bamboo or jojoba beads, or a combination of the two, which will simultaneously give the skin a good cleanse.

Send in the Clean-Up Crew

Monday Night Football may have included consumption of some not-so-nutritious “indulgences” and those impurities are revealing themselves on your face. Time to send in the clean-up crew. A mud mask containing Bentonite clay and Kaolin (China clay) will draw out toxins and rehydrate the skin. Also look for a mask boosted with cactus extract. This will send a dose of vitamins and minerals into skin cells.

Don’t Get Caught with Raccoon Eyes

Raccoon eyes are always a dead giveaway you didn’t get enough sleep. Yes, those ashen, sunken-in eyes, complete with dark circles and bags are a tell-tale sign. The key to elimination is to stimulate the muscles around the eyes (did you know we have 22 different muscles in the area?). Look for peptides that specifically target muscle stimulation and reduce water accumulation around the eye like acetyl tetrapeptide-5 and a dipeptide complex.

Rebuild Your Strength

A skin-strengthening toner will complete your skin recharge – you’re on your own for your sluggish-feeling body. Look for stone extracts, peptides, good hydrating ingredients like sodium hyaluronate (L), and green tea extract. The combination of these will firm the skin, neutralize free radicals, and provide antioxidants and hydration.

Lastly, don’t forget the sunscreen! You did enough damage last night.