Pink and Powerful Must-Have for Mens Skin

Pink and Powerful Must-Have for Mens Skin

What is pink, sometimes referred to as “Inca Rose” and works to protect the skin against damaging environmental elements?

It’s Rhodochrosite of course. You probably guessed that, right? It is a manganese carbonate mineral, and despite its rosy color, it is a powerful mineral and tough enough for us men to use. What exactly does it do for us and why should we be using it?

What It Is

As I mentioned, Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral typically rose-red in color. It occurs as a hydrothermal vein mineral in low-temperature ore deposits, such as silver mines. Pure specimens in large crystal formations are actually fairly rare, only found in a few places around the globe.

It’s so precious in fact, Colorado recently named Rhodochrosite its state mineral because a deposit was discovered in Alma, Colo. Another interesting tidbit – the Incas believed the mineral was the blood of their former rulers manifested in stone. This is where the name “Inca Rose” came from.

Typically, Rhodochrosite is used as a primary component of stainless steel and aluminum alloys, and in some cases jewelry.

How does all this apply to our skin?

The Power of the Stone

The fact that this mineral is used in the formation of stainless steel might make you wonder how it could possibly be beneficial to the skin. Well, it’s actually an essential component in the detoxification of superoxide free radicals and is a required trace mineral for all known living organisms.

What does all that translate to? Rhodochrosite protects against UVA (sun) damage, which helps fight the signs of aging from occurring. It also soothes the skin and supports the cells that produce collagen and elastin.

How do you get your hands on this skin-building ingredient? No need to excavate any mines, simply look for skin-strengthening toners or serums. Formulas that also contain peptides, hydrating ingredients like L-sodium hyaluronate and antioxidants, will help boost the benefits of Rhodochrosite. We use the mineral in our Stone Power toner, which firms, calms irritations from shaving, and strengthens the skin.

Happy mining!