RA for Men: Shaving Time Off the Routine

RA for Men: Shaving Time Off the Routine

If you're not a beard wearer chances are shaving is part of the daily routine. Not fun, but it's something we must do. Being the simple creatures we are if we can figure out a way to simplify a task, we usually will. Short of actually doing the shaving for you, the REDMethod Shaving Gel helps "shave" time off the routine, or at least make it tolerable.

The gel, which doubles as a refreshing mask, works to soften stubble allowing the razor to glide more smoothly over the skin. Let's face it sometimes there's just not enough time in a day - we miss a couple days of shaving or get stuck with dull razors... making for a fairly uncomfortable experience. The Shaving Gel reduces painful tugging (especially around the chin and mustache... ouch!) and moisturizes the skin in the act.

From my trials and tribulations, here's what I've found to make the process more pleasant:

In a hurry:

  • Do a quick cleanse in the shower to remove oil and debris
  • Shave post-shower or towards the end of the shower - the steam will soften the beard
  • Use a non-alcohol based shave gel - you will be able to see "hairier" spots better and aptly dedicate your time to the appropriate areas
  • Apply a sun protection moisturizer

More time:

  • Cleanse the skin
  • Post shower apply the Shaving Gel to the entire face, leave for 10 minutes
  • Just before shaving apply another thin layer, shave as usual
  • Follow with a toner like Stone Power or ReZone to maintain razor burn, breakouts and ingrown hairs
  • Apply a sun protection moisturizer