Six Simple Ways to go Sweat and Burn Free this Memorial Weekend

Six Simple Ways to go Sweat and Burn Free this Memorial Weekend

Believe it or not, Memorial Day is just a couple weeks away. A holiday that may find many of us relaxing near a pool or on the beach, being adventurous on a lake or in the mountains, or getting a in a little baseball time. Either way, many of us will be outdoors.

This naturally leads to thoughts of sweaty foreheads and sunburned skin. But this doesn’t have to be your fate. How do you prevent the sunburn and keep skin at least looking cool? The answer is found in six easy steps.

Pre Sun Game Plan

Yes, you’ll have to do a little planning prior to your fun in the sun, but it will be well worth it. And it only requires three simple steps.

  • Start with a clean slate – Before applying sunscreen (or any other skin care product) be sure your skin is well cleansed. This will allow the beneficial ingredients (like your sun screen) to actually penetrate the skin and go to work, rather than sit on the surface. Step: Cleanse with a salicylic and/or lactic formula.
  • Apply sunscreen – this may seem like an obvious and rudimentary step, but it’s one most of us guys seem to miss. Look for a natural mineral blocker like zinc, as it will absorb into your skin, so if you do sweat, it will have more staying power. Plus you don’t want chemical-based sunscreens running into your eyes in sweaty conditions. Step: Apply a mineral blocker with an SPF30 daily.
  • Skip the oil-based moisturizers – hydration is essential for the body during summer months, but our skin often doesn’t need as much as it does during the winter season. Look to antioxidant-based hydrating serums or even an antioxidant shave oil to hydrate without overhydrating. Step: Use an antioxidant-rich hydrating serum or an antioxidant shave oil.

Game Time Plan

Once you’re in the sun, what can you do to keep sweat at bay and further prevent burns?

  • Keep it clean – use cleansing pads to clean up oil and sweat. You’ll be particularly grateful you did this if you wear hats, where moisture can build up around the band particularly in balmy temps. Step: Quickly clean up with salicylic-based cleansing pads.
  • Reapply the protection – sweat, water activities, and prolonged time in the sun make continual application of a sunscreen essential. Don’t leave the sunscreen at home.
  • Seek shade or wear a hat – if possible seek shade when you can (it’s often a lot cooler too if you’re trying to avoid becoming a sweaty mess). Wear a hat to help shield the top of the head and face from over exposure to the sun.

Simple enough right? The most important thing is to protect the skin. And one last reminder, don’t forget the deodorant.