
  • Does Aloe Hold the Key to Healthy Skin?

    Did you know aloe can do way more than treat sunburn? While that’s certainly one of its most well-known uses, aloe barbadensis leaf juice (the gel from an aloe vera plant) offers myriad other benefits for the skin.

  • Are You Putting Your Skin in Jeopardy During the Summer Months?

    With summer officially here, we’re all thinking about beach vacations, picnics in the park, and days spent soaking up the sun. Ahhhh, bliss. Well…not to be a big buzzkill, but this also means we need to talk about a pretty serious topic – skin cancer. As men, we have lower rates of survival from melanoma than women because our skin is thicker, but also because we tend to be less aware of it. When detected and treated early, however, you have a fighting chance against skin cancer. But why even put yourself in the position? Healthy sun habits can help reduce the risk of developing issues in the first place.

  • Does Travel Wreak Havoc on the Skin?

    Have you ever gotten off a plane feeling like you just ate an entire salt lick even though you drank six mini cups of water on the flight and guzzled a full bottle of water before going through security? The dehydrated feeling is common, and it’s because flying zaps your body, and thus your skin, of moisture.

  • Guardians of the Complexion: The secret ingredient to Star-Lord worthy skin

    Fighting space monsters and protecting an entire galactic universe is all in a day’s work for Peter Quill. And yet, he still manages to maintain a rugged handsomeness most of us can only aspire to. Of course being part superhero, part celestial being likely contributes to his perfect skin, but there’s still plenty we can learn from him.

  • The Secret Summer Skin Smoother You’ve Probably Never Considered

    The dog days of summer are here. Heat? Check. Humidity? Yes. Sweat? Don’t remind me.

  • What’s in your mote? The essentials every man should have

    No we’re not talking about the watery ditch you’ve dreamt about building around your humble abode to keep unwelcome visitors out (that would be a moat). No, the more highly-civilized among us are now sporting the latest men’s fashion trend, the man tote, a.k.a. the “mote.” I mean, let’s face it, pockets just don’t suffice anymore.

  • Top 4 Fall Ingredients for Men’s Skin

    The leaves are starting to change, and some parts of the country have even gotten their first snowfall (ahem…Denver). As the seasons change, it often means we also need to change up our skincare routine ––just as we do with several other routines. Don’t worry, you don’t have to completely ditch what you’ve been doing, but just a few tweaks can help protect your skin against the inclement weather.

  • Avoid the Halloween Aftermath - Nail Your Costume Without Haunting Your Skin

    Who doesn’t love this time of year? Pumpkin spice-flavored everything is everywhere (literally everywhere), the air is crisp, all the great shows are kicking off new seasons, and best of all, we’re about to the get the chance to escape the routine and be someone or something else for a night. Before you dive full-bore into the face paint, fake mustaches, wigs, and silicon masks take a few minutes to consider how you’ll prep your skin –– and how you’ll undo it all when the party’s over.

  • The Essentials of Healthy Skin

    We typically associate oil and skin as a bad combination, but there are a few essential oils that actually do a skin good. Particularly during these icy, dry-skin inducing days.

  • Holiday Gift Guide for Men

    Upholding true “guy fashion,” I really haven’t done much holiday gift buying at all. Part of the problem is coming up with what to get – I want it to be personalized, but also appreciate when the gift is convenient and easy to obtain.

  • What Your Skin Wants and Needs This Holiday Season

    With the turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes behind us, many of us have now turned our attentions to gift giving. You’ve probably started filling out your gift shopping list. Or maybe you’re busy drafting your own holiday wish list ––it’s hard not to do when you’re out there shopping for others. But have you stopped to think about what your skin wants (and needs) this holiday season?

  • Simple, Must-Have Skin Care for Holiday Travel

    If you’re one of the estimated 45 million traveling by air this holiday season, you’re probably making a mental list of everything you need to bring with you – gifts, all-weather clothing, toiletries, iPad, ear phones, a neck pillow, and the list goes. Before you know it, packing your suitcase is like a game of Tetris.

  • Avoiding the SAD Days of Winter

    The “winter blues” –– or its more severe cousin Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) –– is a common occurrence during the cold, dark and often dreary months between fall and spring. And though we associate the winter blues with our emotional state, this frigid time of year also tends to make our skin more dull. Whether you find yourself slipping into a mild case of the doldrums, or you feel like your skin could use a revival, taking a little time out to treat yourself can go a long way to brightening up your mood and your complexion.

  • Your Face is Not a Science Lab

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and venture a guess that the majority of you guys reading this aren’t chemists or scientists. Recently, the internet has been abuzz about skincare lines touting concentrated professional ingredients available over the counter at prices so low they seem too good to be true (let’s not ignore the fact that this became a cliche saying for a reason). But do you trust yourself to play home chemist with your face as the experimental surface?

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